We all know Labor are risking their own identity by hanging around with the Greens---BUT
The cost of joining the church of the'' holier than thou " ( Green isolationist on @QandAlast night ) s will be our children's disgust with all religious based politics .
The children want real people and real marriages and faiths that work
Yesterday both parties to this marriage of convenience declared the divorce was off and they had come to some agreement about "steps". Thankfully Bob Brown could see the hypocrisy . Us scientsits ( who know when steps will work ) can see even deeper. a full list of what won't work HERE .
The whole idea of 43% will not work and the next 5 years will cost the earth to prove it.
This hypocritcal bit of touchy feely can't last and suggests Greenlabor should get the award for most woosy and expensive marriage of convenience ever,
They won the war , but it cost them their minds, integrity and grip on reality. Green labor have become the most religious force of the new age ; so heavenly minded, they are of no earthly use
Albo, the emotionally driven one, is suffering from cognitive dissonance and cries because the noisy ones don't get enough voice and the weaker party ( Bandt ) talks of positive steps when he should have the guts to call Labor out for side stepping the main game.
Here is Domestic violence. arising when it often does -- in the minds of two confused people.
But of course the Greens simply don't know what works so they wouldn't know they don't know yet.
they are all for the moment just happy to sing their old simple chants ( the others are all bastards and don't care ) and go to church at the holy order of automatic progress through the god of change
We scientists know it as a false god because it doesn't deliver . That a good test of any politics !
These idol worshipers can kill the country over what doesn't work because idol worship costs heaps , This unholy love fest around changing the world is costing them and us credibility and career prospects in the real world . Read Smil and you will sleep better and stop feeling so guilty.