One presumes that Bowens immediate preoccupation with more windfarms comes as a result of a growing realization in Canberra that alternative investments such as solar ,hydrogen and pumped hydro are nowhere near as able to add some value.
Cost benefits maybe bad with mills that last only 20 years and cost the earth to establish and maintain , but Labor ( well at least Bowen ) thinks they and he will change the world with them . They are the best of a bad lot of worn out , wearing out old ideas and misfitting methods.
1.The huge costs of transmission lines to remote panels and the systems unreliability and high Maintenace costs
2.The failure of batteries and 1.5 V panel technology to compete with even a small AC turbine running intermittently
3 The cost benefit of pumped hydro and hydrogen is just not there .
4 Overseas manufacturers and money lenders =with an oversupply of Electric cars , turbines and panels have easy markets amongst the dumb guilt ridden idealists on that island down under,