Saturday, May 14, 2016

Ignore the shepherds

Not only do people who graze grass not matter electorally , by bringing up the simple prejudice that "Australia should never have been cleared" .you will get people in the city to vote Labor .

Labor this week have pulled this trick. Hope it backfires .

Such deep hypocrisy in a week when dairy farmers are suffering  a 14 cents a litre price. No one other than Barnaby has the wisdom to suggest "somethings really wrong with the way we think about our environmental managers " ( my words) .

Maybe by ensuring that Farmers own coops were subject to less greed pressures and buyouts the world would actually be a better place . That would mean getting out of their chairs and differing with the monocultural view of how heaven comes - They all believe :::::: Not by diversity alone but by monoculture alone - market pressure alone ,
Sad day watching all the sycophants sitting around with nothing to say in pre election time. Well maybe they offer handouts ---but even the Americans are not going to keep putting up with  that crap

Sadly they don't know what they fear when they follow those who can't see the dynamics of rangelands .who can't see the wood for the trees.  That only ants and higher Carbon dioxide will benefit LONG TERM from their short term view.

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